How to succeed on LinkedIn with social anxiety

That was actually a question.

Because I don’t know.

Most of the people who thrive on this platform, like Jasmin, Lara, and my new friend Loris, seem to relish connecting with others.

That’s not me.

It never will be.

But I’m not a sociopath or anti-social…

I’m just an extreme introvert.

And a “highly sensitive person.”

And a combination of an INTP and an INFP, per Myers-Briggs.

And I have…

🙈 Social anxiety
😷 An avoidant personality
👽 Plus a host of other neuroses

In other words…

I’m out of element.

Like a🐊 at a 🎪

As I wrote my debut memoir, Love Songs and Suicide, I spent a year and a half in isolation.

🖤 And I loved every minute of it.
🎁 The isolation was a gift.
⁉ Now I’m not sure how to proceed.

But I will say this…

Everyone I’ve interacted with on this platform has been super nice and encouraging.

And much of the content I’ve read on LinkedIn so far has been both educational and thought-provoking.

My short-term goal is modest: to build my network.

I have nothing to sell you.

And as I said, I have social anxiety, so I probably won’t ever DM you.

🤝 So, let’s connect!
✅ It’s a risk-free proposition.

And if you have any advice for me (and others like me) on how to succeed on LinkedIn despite social anxiety, I’d love to hear from you.

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