10 Reasons Online Therapy is Better than In-Person Therapy

After experiencing a severe breakdown in late 2022, I called five therapists in my area seeking help. Two of those therapists weren’t accepting new patients. I left messages for the others, but none of them returned my calls. 

Luckily, my insurance offered free online therapy through a digital provider (name omitted). 

Now, six months have passed.

And I’ve been through dozens of therapy sessions.

On this website, I’ve also written 15 in-depth therapy journal posts.

And as I look back on my journey so far, I think it all worked out for the best. Ultimately, I’m glad most therapists in my area were flakes and that I receive online therapy instead. 

Here are 10 reasons I love online therapy (and why you’ll love it too). 

1. No Need to Leave Your Couch (or Office)

As someone with a weird schedule, finding time for therapy sessions can be challenging for me.

Online therapy eliminates the hassle of commuting, allowing me to have sessions from the comfort of my home office.

I schedule appointments that fit my needs and lifestyle, all while maintaining a consistent therapy routine without disruptions.

If Snoop Dogg were to receive therapy, I’m fairly certain he’d do it from the comfort of his own home. Or, should I say, crib?

2. It’s Less Up Close and Personal

This aspect can be both positive and negative.

In-person sessions may feel intense and intimate (for both the patient and therapist).

Online therapy, on the other hand, provides a certain level of detachment. It allows me to open up more freely. I feel less self-conscious and more comfortable expressing my thoughts and emotions. 

3. More Therapists

Online therapy opens up a vast pool of therapists to choose from.

Unlike traditional therapy, where I was limited to the professionals in my local area, I now have access to a wide range of therapists with diverse specialties and approaches. 

4. Easy to Hire, Easy to Fire

Over my therapy journey, I’ve had to make difficult decisions and let go of therapists who weren’t the right fit for me.

Online therapy makes this process easier.

I have more options and can switch therapists without awkward phone calls or other hassles. It empowers me to find a therapist who aligns with my goals and provides the support I need.

Me saying goodbye to Shannon, my first therapist. 

5. Access to Specialized Services

Online therapy offers the opportunity to connect with therapists who specialize in niche areas or specific populations.

For individuals seeking therapy for unique concerns or identities, this accessibility to specialized services can be incredibly valuable in finding the right support and guidance.

6. Cost-Effectiveness

Online therapy often comes at a lower cost compared to traditional in-person therapy.

Without the need for office space, therapists can offer their services at more affordable rates. If you have good insurance, online therapy may even be free for you, like it is for me!

7. No Waiting Rooms

Batman in a waiting room, regretting his decision to opt for in-person rather than online therapy.

I alluded to this point earlier, but it’s worth revisiting here.

Waiting rooms are often anxiety-inducing, overwhelming, and/or just plain frustrating.

With online therapy, I no longer have to experience the discomfort of waiting in a crowded room, surrounded by strangers. Instead, I log in to my therapy session a couple of minutes before it starts. Then I ease into the session at my own pace.

8. Enhanced Privacy

Engaging in therapy from the comfort of my own space provides an added layer of privacy. I don’t have to worry about running into someone I know in the waiting room or being seen entering a therapist’s office.

9. Increased Appointment Availability

Okay, this is another topic that relates to convenience, but it’s still worth discussing briefly in a full section. Online therapy platforms can often accommodate a larger number of clients.

So the scheduling options tend to be more flexible. This means shorter wait times to get started with therapy and greater availability of appointment slots, making it easier to find a time that works for busy schedules.

My digital psychiatrist, Dr. Gillis, provides with the medications I need to stay happy and productive. 

10. Lower Stakes, Similar Rewards

Online therapy creates a sense of familiarity and comfort that reduces the pressure often associated with in-person sessions. Being in a familiar environment allows me to relax and be more authentic during therapy. Despite the lower stakes, I still reap the same rewards of self-discovery, personal growth, and healing.

10 Benefits of Online Therapy – Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, my journey through online therapy has been a transformative experience. The convenience it offers is unparalleled, enabling me to fit therapy seamlessly into my erratic schedule and maintain a consistent routine. 

Moreover, the detachment provided by online sessions has allowed me to open up more freely, leading to profound self-reflection and personal growth.

If you’re thinking about trying online therapy, I’d recommend reviewing your insurance policy to see if low-cost (or free) providers are available via your plan.

To read about my experiences in online therapy, you can check out my therapy journal.

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