Best Of

This skim-friendly post features a compilation of my best writing samples, as well as a jingle with the best two-word concept pitch you’ll ever hear.

 Sample 1 – Social Media Post

This post was a massive success by LinkedIn standards, especially for someone with a small network. It generated 35 likes, tangible leads, and a response from a top-10 LinkedIn creator.


The cure for creative hangovers 🥃 💊

I just wrote my first book.

Title: Love Songs and Suicide

Subtitle: A Travel Memoir,
Romance, and Tragic
Musical Comedy

Nobody’s read it so far.

That’s okay.

I haven’t promoted it at all, really.

But that’s about to change.

I just purchased a domain.

At lovesong (dot) blog, I’ll talk about overcoming tragedy and finding harmony in a chaotic world, exploring topics such as mental health, business, music, and travel.

It’s a self-improvement website (for screwed up people).

I’ve been adrift since I finished the book.

But through trial and error, I’ve discovered the cure for a creative hangover.

It isn’t….

❌ Booze
❌ Medication
❌ Or therapy

Yeah, I tried all of those things.

They didn’t work. I’m still in therapy though (an overshare, perhaps).

The cure for a creative hangover is…

✅ A new project.
✅ Something that matters to you, ideally.
✅ That’s it.

Wishing you “sobriety” in all your endeavors, creative and otherwise.

CTA – I have 35 connections as of now. And no one’s likely to see this post. But by some miracle you did. So if you’re not a serial killer, the MyPillow guy, or associated with the mayonnaise industry in any capacity (I believe mayonnaise should be illegal), feel free to connect with me.

P.S. I actually have more than 35 contacts now. I drafted this post a few months ago, but just now worked up the courage to post it. That’s a lousy P.S. Sorry Jasmin (shameless shout out). I’ve learned a lot from stalking your LinkedIn content despite never commenting on it. Thanks much. And even though I hate your “clear over clever” rule, it does make sense to me and 🍻to everyone on this paycheck Friday and that’s all for now.

#creativity #hangovers #mentalhealth

Sample 2 – Best Insurance Jingle Ever?

No, of course “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” is the best insurance jingle ever.

But this one pretty good. It generated some interest from a company that shall remain nameless for now (that company name rhymes with…regressive).

We’ll see. I’m shopping it around as I type.

Title: “Come Bundle with Us”

Runtime: 47 seconds (could easily be reduced to 30 seconds).

Special cameo at the end.

Plus a two-word pitch that I’m pretty sure will sell you on the concept.



Sample 3 – Blog Post Intro

This has been one of my most successful posts for my hair loss blog, which has generated over three million views in total. I play on the insecurities of my audience in the intro, before offering solutions to their problem in the body of the article. 


The Top 7 Hair Loss Treatments of 2023 – An Unbiased Guide

Death, taxes, and baldness. They’re three inevitable facts of life.

The stats are shocking.

Some men start losing hair before they lose their virginity. And a full 66% of guys have noticeable hair loss by the age of 35.

Women aren’t immune either. 40 percent of all hair loss sufferers are female.

So you’re not alone, my balding brother or sister.

When we start losing our hair, we get a glimpse of our own mortality. And we have two options: accept fate or fight it.

We’re not all ripped movie stars.

“Just shave it, bro,” your juiced-­up and handsome balding buddy might tell you. “Look at Jason Statham and the Rock. They look better bald than they did with hair.”

While it’s true that some men (and women) look amazing bald, it’s not a style that suits everyone.

Some of us have big ears, scarring, a cone head, or all of the above like I do. Moreover, some of us would just prefer not to be bald.

Whether you’re a cone­-headed mutant who has no business shaving his head ever, like me, or you’re just wondering about your hair loss treatment options, this post is for you.

I’ve spent hundreds of hours researching this subject.

My goal is simple. I want to provide you with the best, most current, reader-­friendly, and unbiased hair loss treatment guide on the internet.

That means you won’t have to click around and view a hundred different articles to find what you’re looking for. No links to schedule a free hair transplant consultation, either.

Like I said, my objective is to provide you with everything you need to know about hair loss treatment, right here, in this one post. It’s an ambitious goal, I know.

Now, before we head out onto the battlefield, let’s briefly assess the damage…

Sample 4 – Web Copy for a Subway Restaurant

As a copywriter I’ve helped thousands of businesses, big and small, succeed online. This sample features some web copy I wrote for a Subway restaurant.


To check out more samples, including a sample from my book, Love Songs and Suicide, you can return to my full writing portfolio.

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