Category: Journals

Exposure Therapy and a Panic Attack – Therapy Journal #6

Exposure therapy is the type of therapy I Know I need. But it terrifies me. In exposure therapy, patients effectively face their fears in controlled situations. For example, if someone has a horrible case of social anxiety (as I do), they would intentionally place themselves in social situations that make them uncomfortable. Over time, if […]

A Surprise Diagnosis – Therapy Journal #5

I was in the market for a new psychiatrist. And my weekly therapist, Shannon, had a recommendation for me: Dr. Gillis, who was based in my home state of Florida. Dr. Gillis was an MD rather than a DO—like my previous psychiatrist—and had an impressive resume, with a variety of peer-reviewed articles to her credit, […]

Weight Gain Worries – Therapy Blog #4

My prescription for Effexor, an antidepressant, arrived by mail. But by the time it arrived, I already knew I wasn’t interested in taking the medication. After I researched the drug, I determined that weight gain was one of its many potential side effects. Granted, that side effect was not reported in the drug’s clinical trials. […]

“Your Book Sounds Interesting…”- Therapy Blog #3

I mainly talked about my book, Love Songs and Suicide, during my first session with Shannon, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in her 40s with very long brown hair. “What is the book about?” she asked. “Can I send you a link to the description?” “Tell me about it,” she responded, smiling. I sighed, […]

A Happiness Prescription – Therapy Journal #2

“How can I help you today?” That was the first question my online therapist asked me. What are we, at a fast-food restaurant? I recall thinking. How can you help me today? Seriously? After a moment of silence and reflection, I responded, “I’ve been struggling with depression lately and having trouble concentrating at work.” “Alright, […]

Broke, Miserable, and Alone – Therapy Journal #1 (the Road to Here)

In January 2023, I was late to my first online therapy session (technical difficulties). After my therapist Shannon introduced herself, she asked me what goals were. Looking away from my new digital shrink, I paused to reflect on her question and then said, “I’ve been broke, miserable, and alone for most of my life. If […]