Category: Mental Health

Teddy Roosevelt’s Insane but Effective Cure for Depression

Former US President Teddy Roosevelt struggled with severe depression.  He was “hypomanic on a mild day,” per historian Kay Redfield Jameson.  Both his brother and son committed suicide.  To manage his depression, Roosevelt sought “action.”  And he sought it constantly.  He swam Rode horses  Hunted wild game Climbed mountains And practiced martial arts In 1913, […]

10 Reasons Online Therapy is Better than In-Person Therapy

After experiencing a severe breakdown in late 2022, I called five therapists in my area seeking help. Two of those therapists weren’t accepting new patients. I left messages for the others, but none of them returned my calls.  Luckily, my insurance offered free online therapy through a digital provider (name omitted).  Now, six months have […]

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part – How Long Does Therapy Last?

Just like all worthwhile things in life, the therapeutic process is a journey. And you’re probably wondering: how long will that journey last?  And I can relate to your concern. In the winter of 2023, I had a breakdown that jeopardized my closest relationships. I’d just sifted through 25 years’ worth of trauma and damage […]

Most Shrinks Are Crazy Too – My Top 5 Sanity-Maintenance Tips

I’m really the last person you should look to for psychological guidance or insights. However, I’m still here. And I suppose that’s the primary reason I feel compelled to write a full-on advice column for my little blog. In spite of my bipolar disorder, social anxiety, past adversities, inability to function in normal workplaces, and […]

A Mindfulness Guide for Neurotic Skeptics, Written by a Neurotic Skeptic

Since I began therapy in January 2023, I’ve made a major effort to be more mindful in my everyday life.  But there are so many mindfulness exercises.  And honestly, most of them aren’t practical for beginners.  It’s a busy Tuesday for me, as I write this blog post. And I don’t have the time to […]

Dialectical Behavior Therapy – A Proven Therapy for Drama Queens (Like Me)

Hi, I’m Robert, and I have to confess—I’m a bit of a drama queen. But I’m learning to tame that part of me with help from a brilliant psychiatrist named Dr. Gillis. Thanks to her guidance, I’m making progress toward a happier, less theatric life, and I’m excited to share my experience with dialectical behavior […]

Five Breakthrough Moments – Therapy Journal #8

Over the next month, after firing Dr. Samuelson and replacing her with Dr. Gillis, I had two productive (and two not-so-productive) sessions with Shannon, my primary therapist. There was still a lot of dead space during our meetings. And that dead space made me uncomfortable. I would typically talk for the first 10 to 15 […]

Broke, Miserable, and Alone – Therapy Journal #1 (the Road to Here)

In January 2023, I was late to my first online therapy session (technical difficulties). After my therapist Shannon introduced herself, she asked me what goals were. Looking away from my new digital shrink, I paused to reflect on her question and then said, “I’ve been broke, miserable, and alone for most of my life. If […]